Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Starting over...

My emotions have been everywhere in recent weeks.

I had a miscarriage - I was 6 weeks pregnant. Almost.

On Saturday I noticed just a bit of blood and but not fresh and no pain so I waited to see if it would happen again. It did the next morning, so I went into hospital. They couldn't see anything on the ultrasound - the sac was either too small or I'd passed it already so they said to come back on Wednesday (today) for another scan and blood test.

But yesterday I started bleeding heavily and I knew it was all over.

I tossed up between staying at home at going to work.

At home I'd just feel awful and be alone - at work I'd be surrounded by health professionals and had a half day meeting anyway - it would be a good distraction.

So I went to work, and spent the day sitting in meetings, having a miscarriage.

I'm feeling okay today. It's common, it's probably an indication that something wasn't right.

I felt bad telling my mum as she was really upset - she's had such a bad year and I told her as soon as I found out so she had something positive to hold onto, and so she had something good to tell my grandma before she died.

It's okay. It's just time to start again.

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